Our Story
MANA Health & Wellness: space for connection, collaboration and healing.
Our founder was the first person to open a Float Therapy Spa in New Brunswick a few years ago. The name back then was KINI Wellness to honour the island of Maui where her spiritual journey truly began and where she made the decision to dedicate her life to becoming a health practitioner making healing and spirituality both simple & fun.
KINI meaning Cindy in Hawaiian.
Now, 8 years later Cindy is ready to bring new life to this amazing Wellness & Healing Sanctuary with a new name and brand that fits the vision and mission even better than before.
MANA: Spiritual energy & healing power.
The power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person.
In Hawaiian and Tahitian culture, Mana is a spiritual energy and healing power which can exist in places, objects and persons. They believe that Mana may be gained or lost by actions and that mana is both external and internal. It's possible for mana to be present in objects and people. For people, it's possible to gain or lose mana through the different decisions they make.
In the land of gaming and mystical stories, Mana represents a mystical energy or force that enables characters to perform magical feats, cast spells, or harness supernatural abilities. In many settings, MANA is depicted as a finite resource that depletes with use and regenerates over time or through specific actions. It’s frequently visualized as a glowing, ethereal substance or energy that flows through the world and its inhabitants.
​The Sea Turtle on our logo :
Serves as a reminder of the healing power of going back to basics and Slowing Down.
One of the Earth’s oldest animals, the honu is known for guiding the Hawaiian people to the Islands. Atlantic Leatherback Sea Turtles can also be found off NB coasts between June and October during their migration.
So if you ask me, the spirit of Aloha is very much alive in our ocean too.
Among the various symbols that hold great significance in Hawaiian culture, the Honu, or Hawaiian green turtle, stands as a powerful representation of resilience, wisdom, and connection to the natural world. Resiliency, Connection and Guiding people home to themselves have been some of the core values and foundation of my entrepreneurial journey, so it only made sense to include the Honu in this next chapter.

Owner / Founder
Hi, I'm Cindy O'Donnell
A multi-faceted intuitive health practitioner and International speaker/trainer who is Scientifically trained, rational and in tune with all things spiritual. I help epic humans who are starting over heal from pain and grief in order to feel healthy and safe in both their body and in their life.
Flight Attendant, Registered Massage Therapist, Cranio-Sacral Therapist, Reiki Master, Luxury Wellness Spa owner, business and political consultant amongst many other titles, certifications and life experiences. There are very few stones that I have left unturned in the world of business and self-help. Having made helping others my passion and professional focus for over a decade. I love sharing leading edge perspectives and giving a whole new meaning to the healing experience.
My mission is to make Spirituality and Healing both simple and fun and I look forward to helping you on your journey.
I am also fluent in both English and in French.

Meet the Team
You're in good hands with us.